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Relationships with
Health Care Workers
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Anne Greenwald


January 2025
Present Time
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Dear SCW Asians-

After yesterday’s election, many of us are feeling a lot—anger, sadness, maybe even hopelessness. For those of us who grew up under dictatorships, we know deep down that we are stronger and more resourceful than we often realize. Each loss only makes us more determined and prepared. But in times like these, we have to resist the pull of discouragement. This is where we can truly support one another—by staying connected and using the discharge process to work through our feelings.

While we knew Kamala Harris was not a panacea for our challenges, the return of Trump brings a wave of new and intensified obstacles. Trump has pledged to attack critical protections and services—to deport immigrants, slash funding for public health, public housing, education, and libraries, block wage increases, prevent union and anti-war organizing, and roll back rights for women and Indigenous people. He’s also intent on privatizing federal lands, ramping up oil drilling, and undoing the climate progress we’ve fought so hard for. Furthermore, he continues to align with and support dangerous autocrats and right-wing governments, like those of Netanyahu, Orbán, and Modi.

Yet, even in the face of all this, we still have power. This morning, someone shared a quote with me from Zora Neale Hurston that really resonated: “No hour is ever eternity, but it has its right to weep.” Let’s give ourselves the space to discharge what we need to, and come back even stronger. No matter how tough things look, no one is better suited than YOU to help turn things around.

Stay connected, lean on our RC community, and use the discharge process to shake off discouragement. Together, we can face whatever challenges lie ahead.

For a bit of inspiration, check out this video of Harvey. Watch the first video on this page.

Here’s my favorite part of Harvey’s quote from the video that I posted yesterday: “you are the one, all your life you’ve been waiting for somebody to come along with enough kindness and caring and power..and so make things right, the way you know it should be...and…you're it.

Don’t be discouraged…it’s a great honor.”


Azi khalili

Last modified: 2024-11-09 00:29:50+00