News flash


Value of RC Literature
& Joy of Reading
Saturday, February 22
Marilyn Robb

operational again!

The Next Step in Handling our COVID Situation

Dear RCers,

The challenge to think clearly about handling the dangerous circumstances created by COVID are going to remain with us for many months yet.  This virus has shown itself to be so easily communicated between people and so damaging that we have already lost well over a million and a half lives around the world.  We have recently gained vaccines to handle this virus and drastically reduce the number of lives lost.  Through massive efforts in many countries of the world, scientists have developed several vaccines that are now being used and distributed widely.  These vaccines have been tested on large numbers of people and have demonstrated their solid capabilities to protect people from this virus.  

I think, based on my reading of many articles about these vaccines both in the mass media and in science publications, that being vaccinated with one of these vaccines is something that I will do, because the vaccines will provide good protection with little risk.  I also know that all of us are likely to have restimulated feelings about receiving one of these vaccines.  Many medical things were done to us as children with no attempt to involve our minds.  Also, in the current situation there has been much misinformation spread and much politicizing around these vaccines.  Each of us can have sessions on our restimulations in this area and each of us can work to find real information about these vaccines, before we make our decisions on whether or not to be vaccinated.  

Doing this work is part of what we need to do to find a solution to this situation.  Please do so.

With love and appreciation,


Last modified: 2023-04-15 09:24:12+00