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Note II. Self-Estimation

Self-estimation is a tool to be used by the leader of a working group.[180] It is expected of Area Reference Persons every two years. (See Guideline E.7. Area Membership Meetings.) It is not to be used for the leader of a class, workshop, or workshop section unless they become a working group with another function.

Here is one suggested format:

  1. The leader
    1. talks about their strong points and areas of competence in their work role;
    2. talks about areas in their work that they would like to improve.
  2. Then other group members in turn
    1. speak to the strengths of the leader in the work role;
    2. suggest directions for the leader in the areas in which the leader needs to make progress; and
    3. offer resource to support the leader.

Self-estimation examines what has gone well and areas for improvement and progress rather than focusing on criticism and disappointment. The effectiveness of self-estimation depends on how carefully and awarely we think about each other. To prepare for a self-estimation, those participating are asked to discharge on any distresses that get in the way of thinking about the leader. It is useful to have an experienced leader lead the process. Though self-estimation is not a session, it can be useful for the group to counsel the leader afterward.


[180] A working group is a group of Co-Counselors doing something more than Co-Counseling or learning Co-Counseling together—for example, building an RC Community together, or participating in a women’s leadership group.

Last modified: 2024-02-21 21:50:38+00