News flash


Impact of U.S. Election
Results on Climate
Action in the U.S.

Saturday, January 4
Sunday, January 5
Diane Shisk



H.5. Regional and International Workshops and Gather-ins[111]

(See H.5.A. for online workshops)

Payment to the Community Service Fund

For a Regional or International workshop or gather-in, the organizer’s budget must include a payment to the Community Service Fund of 10% of the income, before deducting any expenses, from the fees charged for the workshop or gather-in.[112]


This is a convenient collection point for the Community’s Outreach Funds. The procedures described lessen restimulations about accounting for the funds, help compensate leaders and organizers for handling larger workshops and gather-ins, and support the International Outreach and Publications Funds.


[111] This Guideline has the force of a requirement for being part of the RC Community.

[112] This is a fee for the use of the terms “Re-evaluation Counseling” and ”RC,” which are trademarks owned by RCCR.

Last modified: 2023-02-24 20:03:17+00