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Anne Greenwald


January 2025
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G.1. Workshops-Overview

Workshops at Each Level

Re-evaluation Counseling (RC) workshops are organized on class, Area, Regional, multi-Regional, and International levels. Leaders should encourage Co-Counselors to attend workshops at the level for which they are ready[85] and eligible.

Goal of Diversity

Our goal is to bring together diverse groups of people (unless the topic of a workshop pertains to certain groups) as a practical step toward the unity of all humans. We do not want to only bring together people who are easily comfortable with and familiar with each other. These Guidelines can be applied flexibly to encourage and support the development of diverse RC Communities.[86]

Young People

Workshop organizers will offer one free place for a young person (age twenty-one and under) for every twenty (20) fee-paying adults. (This policy does not apply to young people coming to a young people’s workshop or with their family to a family workshop.) However, young people are encouraged to pay what they can, which will allow more young people to attend.  

Young people under the legal age of adulthood sometimes choose to attend a workshop without a parent or guardian. In this case, they need the written, informed consent of a parent or guardian in support of their decision. (The consent form can be found [printed version page 114] at

Approval to Attend

An RC teacher’s approval is required for attending a class workshop or Area workshop. (The workshop leader also gives their approval.) An Area Reference Person’s (ARP’s) (or a Regional Reference Person’s [RRP’s] if there is no ARP) approval is needed to attend a Regional or International workshop, or other workshop outside of one’s Area. Approval to attend workshops is granted to Co-Counselors who meet the eligibility criteria for a specific workshop and are in good standing in their local Community.[87]

If the ARP does not approve a Co-Counselor’s attending a workshop, the Co-Counselor should be informed of the reason and may ask the RRP to review the decision. The RRP will make a decision in consultation with the ARP and any appropriate International Liberation Reference Person (ILRP) or International Commonality Reference Person (ICRP).

Attendance at an RC workshop is voluntary.


A core aspect of disability oppression is exclusion. Workshops are to be accessible, both physically and in other ways. Accessibility also means effective communication and consideration of different ways to have workshops. It means conveying information in ways that maximize inclusion, including online. We try to use sites that are wheelchair accessible for people with mobility disabilities, have microphone loop systems, have transcribing or closed captioning by participants for people with hearing impairments, ensure reasonable toilet breaks and rest times, and so on. We also try to provide sign language interpreters for people who are deaf or have hearing impairments and support for people with vision impairments, and to create accessibility in many other ways.[88] (See: for more details on organizing for accessibility.)

People with disabilities should have input into decisions about workshop accessibility. It makes sense to have these general guidelines. At the same time, Communities must take into consideration that everyone is different and may have differing needs. 

Full accessibility is our goal. When accessible locations are not available, Communities can confer with the people in charge of the available locations to discuss possible adaptations to the sites. Communities may also contribute the money and/or physical labor needed to make the sites accessible. We also strive to help people gain access to the technology and knowledge necessary to attend online events.

Care of the Environment

Workshops should be organized and run with attention paid to care of the environment. Special attention should be given to environmentally sustainable practice.[89] (People attending workshops are asked to consider taking bus, train, or other public transportation, or carpooling instead of flying or driving long distances or alone.) (See Guideline G.12. Considering the Carbon Footprint of RC Workshops and Workshop Organizer’s Manual for specifics at:


The workshop format has proven effective. It promotes both individual and Community growth.

Our workshops benefit from having a variety of participants. Workshops need to offer a broad vision for human living.

This Guideline requires workshops to provide the above-mentioned level of financial support to young people. (Workshops do not otherwise provide financial support to participants, except via Outreach Funds. See Guideline H.14. Outreach to All Groups Targeted by Oppression.) It doesn’t dictate how this financial support is to be divided among the young participants.

Our fundamental principle is that leadership is individual. Adhering to this principle makes accountability clear. One person must be designated as the leader of each activity or organizational structure. Having one leader and one organizer is consistent with this principle.

The designated leader and organizer are each responsible for the overall good functioning of the workshop. However, having assistants develops new leadership and promotes a rational sharing of responsibilities.

It is important that people with disabilities have access to our workshops. Technology can increase accessibility, for example by enabling people to attend the workshop virtually.

It is rational to put attention to care of the environment at workshops. Doing so helps us implement the related RC Community goals.


[85] In general, a Co-Counselor wishing to attend a workshop is expected to have a solid understanding of RC theory and the ability to put it into practice as a counselor and client. A Co-Counselor is also expected to have Co-Counseling relationships with people who can support them in their workshop experience.

[86] Some Guidelines have the force of a requirement for being part of the RC Community and are to be followed as written.

[87] A Co-Counselor in good standing is a Co-Counselor who actively participates in RC and supports its development. If Community membership expectations have been established by the Area, Co-Counselors also can be expected to meet these expectations in order to be approved to attend a workshop, unless special permission is granted by the person’s ARP and the workshop leader.

[88] We have been able to make funding available for accessibility through the Re-evaluation Foundation.

[89] This includes providing information about sustainable transportation.

Last modified: 2023-02-27 22:10:31+00