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Value of RC Literature
& Joy of Reading
Saturday, February 22
Marilyn Robb

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L.2. Application of the Guidelines to the Global RC Community[144]

RC Communities can modify the Guidelines so that they take into consideration a Community’s particular social, political, and cultural situations. Any such versions of the Guidelines should be consistent with the current Guidelines in all matters relating to

  1. the use of the names “Re-evaluation Counseling,” “Co-Counseling” and ”RC,” and translations of the same;
  2. basic RC theory;
  3. the certification of teachers (see Guidelines D.1. Certification of RC Teachers, and D.2. Requirements of RC Teachers);
  4. financial matters (see Guideline H., Re-evaluation Counseling Community Finances);
  5. the no-socializing policy (see Guideline M.1. The No-Socializing Policy); and
  6. our understandings about psychiatric drugs.

Any modification of the Guidelines between World Conferences is to be done with the agreement of the International Reference Person (IRP). The IRP is authorized to work out modifications in agreement with the cultural or national group of Co-Counselors. These modifications are tentative until approved by a World Conference.


We are not able to determine detailed Guidelines for Communities of every social, political, and cultural background.


[144] Applies to situations in which a Community is the first one that is developing in a particular culture or geographic location, and the RC Community lacks experience with that culture or people.

Last modified: 2024-02-21 21:51:09+00