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Sunday, March 16
Azi Khalili


Draft Program for the
Transformation of Society
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January 2025
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J.7. Preserving Confidentiality When Writing About Others[134]

Co-Counselors protect the confidentiality of other individuals in RC publications or on RC email lists (see Guideline K.4. RC Community Email Discussion Lists) unless the individuals give consent to be identified. This includes not using identifiers (for example, “my child, partner, parent,” and so on, or identifying descriptions of the person). Co-Counselors should write anonymously[135] (or use a pseudonym) if there is no other way to protect another person’s confidentiality.[136]

When an RC author has gotten consent from an individual to reveal their identity, the author should still check with an RC leader before proceeding.


Individuals, including children, should be able to decide for themselves whether or not they wish to have their distresses and struggles written about in a public forum. Other information can reveal an unnamed individual’s identity.

[134] This Guideline has the force of a requirement for being part of RC.

[135] Anonymously means without being named or otherwise identified.

[136] Anonymity on RC email lists can be achieved by sending a posting to the list administrator,, for them to post anonymously. Signing the posting with a pseudonym or initials can be helpful. It will help readers identify postings from the same author in an email thread that has multiple anonymous authors.

Last modified: 2024-02-21 21:51:25+00