News flash


Relationships with
Health Care Workers
Saturday, February 1
Sunday, February 2
Anne Greenwald



H.9. Workshops Funded by International Outreach Funds

Sometimes workshops are funded mostly by the Community Service Fund. (Organizers and/or leaders always have an agreement about this funding with the IRP.) For these workshops, most income does not come from the individuals attending the workshop. Form 400 is to be used to account for the workshop finances. Receipts for expenses and completed accounting forms are to be sent to RCCR within thirty (30) days of the workshop.

Similarly, when a workshop is funded mostly by the Re-evaluation Foundation, receipts for expenses are to be sent to the Re-evaluation Foundation within thirty (30) days of the workshop.

Receipts and accounting forms must be received before additional workshops can be funded for the same RC Community or constituency.


The internal accounting procedures of RCCR and the Re-evaluation Foundation require oversight of International Outreach expenses. This ensures the integrity of the Outreach Funds.

Last modified: 2024-02-21 21:51:55+00