News flash


Value of RC Literature
& Joy of Reading
Saturday, February 22
Marilyn Robb

operational again!


H.5.B. HYBRID REGIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOPS AND GATHER-INS [*](Interim Guideline change approved by IRP 2/7/24)

Payment to the Community Service Fund

For a hybrid** Regional or International workshop or gather-in the organizer’s budget must include a payment to the Community Service Fund of 15% of the income, before deducting any expenses, from the fees charged for the online workshop or gather-in.

Leaders and organizers should consider the need of the Community Service Funds when setting the fees charged for hybrid workshops.

Completing Workshop Finances

After paying all expenses, including the 15% fee described above, within 30 days of the online workshop or gather-in, the organizer must do the following:

  1. Process all workshop or gather-in payments.
  2. Divide any extra income (net income) as described below:
    1. Pay 35%, plus any remainder after the calculations below (iii. – v.), to the Community Service Fund.
    2. Pay 35% to the Publications Fund of Rational Island Publishers (RIP).
    3. Pay 20% to the leader, but this additional amount may not exceed the amount of the basic pay specified in Guideline H.11. Leader’s and Organizer’s Fees and Expenses.
    4. Pay 6% to the organizer, but this additional amount may not exceed the amount of the basic pay specified in Guideline H.11. Leader’s and Organizer’s Fees and Expenses.
    5. Pay 4% to the tech leader***, but this additional amount may not exceed the amount of the basic pay specified in Guideline H.11. Leader’s and Organizer’s Fees and Expenses.
  3. Send the completed Form 400B (for hybrid events) and payment to RCCR within thirty (30) days of the workshop or gather-in. (Forms, including hybrid self-calculating forms, found at
  4. Send a copy of the completed Form 400B to the hybrid workshop leader.

These two subsections of Guideline H.5. Regional and International Workshops and Gather-ins, Unexpected Shortfalls at Workshops and Purpose of Funds, also apply to this Guideline.

(See Appendix: Forms, [printed version page 113] for an example of completed Form 400B, for hybrid events.)


This is a convenient collection point for the Community’s Outreach Funds. The procedures described lessen restimulations about accounting for the funds, help compensate leaders, organizers, and tech leaders for handling larger workshops and gather-ins, and support the International Outreach and Publications Fund.

* This Guideline has the force of a requirement for being part of the RC Community.

** In a hybrid event, some people gather together in-person at a workshop venue and others participate via the internet.

*** Separate teams will be needed at a hybrid workshop to include the  online participants: 1, a team at the in-person workshop to operate the camera and laptop needed to stream the workshop to the online participants, and 2. a Zoom tech for the online portion. The amount of work could vary great with the number of people attending and compensation for tech will need to be thought about at each workshop. In general, the in-person workshop jobs (camera and laptop connection) could be allocated among several people as workshop jobs (i.e. not a tech role). The job of the Zoom tech for the online participants may or may not be a big job, depending on the size and composition of the workshop.

Last modified: 2024-12-02 00:44:50+00