News flash


Relationships with
Health Care Workers
Saturday, February 1
Sunday, February 2
Anne Greenwald



G.10.  Cooperative Workshops

Cooperative workshops can be organized with one teacher in charge of the whole workshop and other Co-Counselors leading parts of the workshop or assisting (as a team).

All cooperative workshops should be planned and coordinated with a Reference Person (the ARP, or if there is no ARP the RRP [or the IRP if there is no RRP]). Each workshop should be coordinated with the Community’s other activities.


Many kinds of workshops are workable. The more experienced the leader is, the more is likely to be accomplished. However, lack of experienced workshop leaders in a new place should not prevent workshops from being organized. Short cooperative workshops have proven helpful when there is a designated overall leader. One-day, two-day (2-day), and weekend workshops have been successful. Cooperative workshops have also proven useful for developing new leadership and training new leaders to lead workshops.

Last modified: 2022-10-09 05:54:49+00