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J.5. Translations of Publications[132]

Designation of Translation Coordinators

The IRP shall designate a Translation Coordinator for a language after consultation and when a sound leader has emerged among a group of Co-Counselors speaking that language.

Job of the Translation Coordinator

Each Translation Coordinator promotes and oversees translations of RC literature into a particular language. Specifically, the Translation Coordinator’s job is to

  1. check and approve translations for publication (final approval will be given by the IRP);
  2. determine the order of translation and publication of the literature that is to be translated into that language;
  3. oversee the creation of a glossary of the most important RC words and phrases in that language (to be periodically revised);
  4. keep a list of finished translations into that language, and translations in progress; and
  5. encourage wide participation in the translation of literature and the publication of good translations.

All Co-Counselors Encouraged to Translate, and Support Translation

Co-Counselors with competence in more than one language are encouraged to translate RC writings. All of us are encouraged to support translations work, for example, by offering attention to those translating or by learning a language other than our native language.

Priorities for Translation

The IRP will recommend a list of documents to be translated and the order in which they should be translated.

Availability of Translations

Translations of articles will be added to the RC Community's website,, as soon as possible.


Translation helps make RC accessible. It also contradicts language oppression.[133] Our goal is to provide access to RC theory and practice to all the people of the world, and to do this accurately and with full respect for both authors and translators. To do this well and rapidly, we need to involve, and support, as many Co-Counselors with translation skills as possible.


[132] Translations are documents written in a language different from the language they were written in originally.

[133] Language oppression is the oppression of a people because of their language. An example is the oppression of those who speak a language other than the dominant language of their community and whose language is considered by the dominant language speakers to be less important than or inferior to the dominant language. English has become the dominant language globally to the extent that native speakers of all other languages experience language oppression in relation to it.

Last modified: 2024-02-21 21:51:28+00