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January 2025
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G.11. Online, Hybrid[92], and Satellite[93] Workshops

Online Workshops

Online workshops are an option when conditions make in-person workshops unsafe or unwise, or an online workshop would otherwise be useful. (See Guideline G.12. Considering the Carbon Footprint of RC Workshops.) Their specific requirements include the following:

  1. A technology (tech) leader who, together with the organizer and the leader(s), is responsible for the technology and schedule
  2. A tech team to carry out the tech plan and manage all technical aspects of the event
  3. A software platform (secure where possible) with sufficient capacity for the number of participants, including for online spaces (“breakout rooms”) for mini-sessions, support groups, and other meetings
  4. Assistance for participants who need help to fully participate due to disability; lack of technical experience; language differences; time zones differences; religious considerations; local conditions; lack of equipment, software, or network access
  5. Assistance for the leader(s) in thinking about and leading the workshop online. This includes help with scheduling, designing activities adaptable to an online medium, presentation styles, breaks, and duration of activities
  6. Security measures to prevent uninvited participation
  7. Data privacy (see Guidelines K.5. Handling of Personal and Sensitive Data by Organizers and Co-Counselors)

Much has been learned about making online workshops go well. Leaders, organizers, and participants should consult and be guided by documents such as the Guide for Online RC Workshops and RC Webinars.[94]

Leaders are encouraged to make closed captioning by workshop participants (not automated) available to increase accessibility.

Online workshop participants should be reminded that confidentiality cannot be assured in online communications. They need to consider the implications of sharing personal information, images, and statements online. They should be given information about the most secure options. They should be told how to minimize exposing their voice, image, and personal information during the workshop. 

If the workshop will be recorded, the workshop leader decides, and the participants are informed, where the recording will be stored, and how the recording will be used. Participants who agree to be a client in a demonstration should be asked whether they would like the demonstration recorded and asked for permission to share that recording beyond the workshop leader. The leader also decides who can have access to a transcript of the closed caption typing.

We strongly encourage use of the secure RC Community's website,, to store workshop documents, transcripts, videos, schedules, and lists for participants. (Participants must set up an RC website account to access the website.)

The accounting formula for in-person workshops is different for online workshops; see Guideline H. Re-evaluation Counseling Community Finances.

Hybrid Workshops

A Hybrid workshop has both in-person and online participants. This structure makes it possible for people who, because of disability, cost of travel, or other life circumstances, might be unable to attend.

The leader of the workshop (in consultation with the IRP if the workshop is International or multi-Regional) decides if a workshop will be a Hybrid workshop.

Hybrid workshops need to have two fee structures: one for the in-person participants and one for the online participants. See Guideline H. Re-evaluation Counseling Community Finances for accounting and reporting requirements.

The Guidelines in Online Workshops (above) apply to the online part of the workshop.

Satellite Workshops

A Satellite workshop is usually held simultaneously with a main workshop.

Satellite workshops usually have fewer than twenty (20) people and are at someone’s house or other free location in order to reduce expenses (most people will be commuting).

No funds (Outreach Funds or grants) can be used for lodging or transportation to the Satellite workshop.

Satellite workshops require the approval of the main workshop leader and International Reference Person. Leaders of Satellite workshops are approved by the RRP of the Region where the Satellite workshop is held.

The finances for the Satellite workshop are calculated separately from the finances for the main workshop. For more information, see Guidance for Satellite Workshops:


Online, Hybrid, and Satellite workshops are important alternatives to in-person workshops. They make RC more accessible for diverse participation.  They are more environmentally sustainable.  They require different logistics and additional safeguards to be successful. Leaders will need to adapt to an online format. They need to make sure that all participants can access the workshop.

Workshop leaders and organizers are responsible for ensuring privacy. Participants need reassurance that their data and the record (video or transcript) of their participation in the workshop and related activities are safe and secure.


[92] A hybrid workshop is one where the leader and some participants are meeting in-person, at the same location, while other participants are attending online. 

[93] A satellite workshop is a local workshop held during the same weekend as a major RC workshop (the main workshop). In a satellite workshop, the classes from the main workshop are video streamed and used as content for the bulk of the classes of the satellite workshop.  (They could also be recorded and downloaded at a different time during that same weekend or within a few weeks, to allow for time zone changes.)

[94] Guide for Online RC Workshops and RC Webinars:

Last modified: 2023-02-20 03:33:16+00