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C.3. Structure of RC Classes

Content of Classes

The communication of RC theory is an essential part of all RC classes. The use of RC literature is key to accomplishing this. Each RC class is to include

  1. theory presentations;
  2. Co-Counseling sessions;
  3. demonstrations of counseling and discharge with group attention;
  4. group exchange of affection, caring, and appreciation (for example, validations[38] and closing circles).

In addition, every class series should include

  1. reports of Co-Counseling sessions;
  2. students’ evaluation of the class, including what’s going well and what could be improved; and
  3. reports and discussions from RC literature and RC events (see Guideline C.1. Basic Content of Meetings of Co-Counselors).

The teacher determines the structure of the class. Successful classes have taken a variety of forms. These have included separate fundamentals and ongoing classes, classes that combine fundamentals and ongoing students, and classes on special topics. Teachers are encouraged to consult with other teachers and Reference Persons about the content and structure of their classes.

Teachers are encouraged to hold weekly classes, whenever possible (see Guideline C.2. Goals of RC Classes, subhead Diversity).

 Screening for Classes

Prospective students need the teacher’s permission to be admitted to the class. Teachers accept people whom they expect will contribute to the effective functioning of the class by, for example,

  1. participating with enough aware attention to be kind toward and thoughtful of other participants in the class and the teacher;
  2. functioning as a Co-Counselor within a relatively short period of time;
  3. following the Guidelines (including the no-socializing policy and the one-point program of RC);
  4. maintaining confidentiality of Co-Counselors’ sessions; and
  5. not using alcohol, cannabis, psychedelic, or other recreational drugs or substances that affect mental processes, for at least twenty-four (24) hours before a class or Co-Counseling session.[39] (Psychiatric drugs also affect mental processes and interfere with natural emotional healing processes. However, individuals who meet other screening criteria are not required to stop taking psychiatric drugs to attend RC classes [see Guideline N., Psychiatric Drugs[40] and RC]).[41]

Expectations of Class Members

Class members are expected to commit themselves to (1) regular class attendance, and (2) at least one Co-Counseling session each week outside of class, ideally of an hour to two hours in length.[42] People should not be excluded if their life circumstances limit their ability to attend classes regularly.

Co-Counselors Participating in Classes Outside of Their Area

To participate in a class outside their Area,[43] Co-Counselors need the approval of their Area Reference Person (ARP)[44] as well as the teacher’s ARP. To participate in a class outside their Region,[45] Co-Counselors need the approval of their Regional Reference Person (RRP) as well as the teacher’s RRP.

Assistant Teachers

Teachers should have assistant teachers whenever possible (see Guideline D.3. Assistant Teachers).


These procedures for classes have worked well. We need the support of a class to consistently contradict our patterns, especially our chronic patterns. Classes offer resource and stability. They make it possible for RC to reach every part of the local community.

Classes meeting weekly have, in general, been the most successful, though other schedules have also been successful. Our experience is that people need steady, ongoing contact to contradict isolation, to remember the importance of re-emergence, and to contradict the persistent confusions that come from living in oppressive societies. Having assistant teachers is important both to support the teacher and to train additional new teachers.


[38] A validation is a contradiction to a client’s distress that affirms the reality of the client’s goodness.

[39] Students will also benefit from not using these drugs or substances after Co-Counseling sessions and classes.

[40] Psychiatric drugs are substances prescribed by psychiatrists or health care providers to “treat” what they call “mental illness” and difficulties such as sleeplessness, tension, stress, or “disruptive behavior,” passivity, anxiety, and grief. They are also prescribed to suppress or numb feelings and effects of oppression. They include substances such as Ritalin and Adderall that are widely prescribed to young people and others to enforce compliance and passivity. Psychiatric drugs are sometimes called psychotropic drugs.

[41] Teachers are to ask prospective students about their use of drugs and addictive substances, including psychiatric drugs; explain why they are asking; and introduce the prospective students to our policies. Teachers should tell prospective students that using these substances will limit the benefit they receive from RC. Teachers need to inform themselves and their students about the effects of alcohol and other drugs on the discharge and re-evaluation process. Teachers should make it clear that they, backed by the RC Community, are in full support of the prospective students, and stand against the use of these substances and against the oppressions that push people to use them.

[42] Class members can accelerate their progress by participating regularly in other RC activities in addition to their class, including workshops, “each-one-teach-one” events, support groups, gather-ins, and additional sessions. (An each-one-teach-one event is an introduction to RC in which each Co-Counselor attending brings someone who is not a Co-Counselor.) At these activities, they will learn more about RC theory and practice, which will help them make more use of the content of their class.

[43] An Area is a formal grouping of Co-Counselors, with a designated leader called the Area Reference Person (ARP).  Areas are formed by the decision of the Co-Counselors in the local Community, with approval from the IRP. See Guideline E. Structure and Leadership of the RC Community.

[44] An Area Reference Person (ARP) is an RC leader who thinks about and oversees an Area as a whole. The ARP develops and supports leadership within the Area and exercises judgment on which activities are consistent with RC theory and policy.

[45] A Region can be a geographic, ethnic, or language entity. Regions of various sizes in different locations around the world are initially created by the International Reference Person (IRP). As the RC Community has grown, many Regions have divided into two or more Regions. Regions may or may not contain organized Areas.

Last modified: 2022-10-08 16:31:51+00