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U.S. Immigrants &
Children of Immigrants
of Global Majority
Sunday, March 2
Cheng Imm Tan


Draft Program for the
Transformation of Society
Introduction Page
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Present Time
January 2025
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Mental Health and Climate Justice
Workshop Outline 

September 23, 2023 | New York City

Desired Outcomes 

  • Shared understanding of:
    • The work of RC, including SAL and UER.
    • What mental health oppression is and how it interferes with climate activism. 
  • Practice using the tool of co-counseling to recover from mental health oppression and  information about how to learn more
  • New or closer relationships with each other.

Land Acknowledgement 

New York City has the largest number of American Indians and Alaskan Natives of any location within  the United States. There are 112,000 Native Americans out of a total population of 8,175,000 New  Yorkers. 

Native people have a long history of living respectfully in balance with the natural world. They are the  original protectors of Mother Earth. They have led the way with powerful action on behalf of the  environment and efforts to sustain all life. 

We acknowledge the Lenape, the original people of the land on which we meet. About 20,000 Lenape  lived on the island of Manhattan for over 12,000 years living on about 80 seasonal sites. The Lenape  were a loosely connected set of communities with similar cultures and languages, spread out across  what is now Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York City, Long Island, and the Hudson Valley.  Most Lenape were removed to what is now Oklahoma. We honor and respect them. 

This land was then colonized by the Dutch in the 1600s. 

1:30 Demie

As a part of our larger commitment to  accessibility, let us know if you have needs. 

Introduce workshop; goals of workshop. Ask members of the organizing team to raise hands or stand to identify them as helpers in the workshop. Handoff to Amy

1:35 Amy

Land Acknowledgement – (Immigrants, settlers) see below 

Brief description of SAL, UER, and a description of RC’s work on the climate crisis  and racism (Explain the use of terms People of the Global Majority). Hand off to Glenn

1:40 Glenn

What is MH Oppression and how does MHO affect Climate Change activism?

How normality is defined by the behaviors most desirable by profiteering interests; How racism is defined as normal and the effect of MHO on People of the Global Majority and Native and Indigenous people. The basic tool of co-counseling and how it can help.

How our societies and institutions enforce conformity and make people less likely to act against authority or resist oppression;

A Mental Health Liberation framework for understanding human upset beyond the medical (mental illness/mental health) and consumer models;

(Take a moment of silence - explain & acknowledge people have language other than English as first language)

2:00 Glenn

Practical tools for dealing with the emotions that come up when we face the climate emergency and challenge societal norms; and a format for exchanging care with each other that creates the safety we need to show ourselves and build closer relationships.

Explanation of listening exchange (feelings vs. reality; confidentiality agreement) + pair up



Debrief listening exchange - raise your hand if you liked being listened to, raise your hand if you liked listening to people. What was different than a usual conversation. (signal to Glenn who might be good for a demo, and encourage that person to volunteer).

2:20 Glenn + Amy Demonstration
2:27 Glenn + Amy Debrief demonstration or second demonstration
2:32 Glenn Listening exchange with different partner
2:43 Glenn Q & A
2:53 Demie  How to Learn More, How to connect with RC, availability of a support group following workshop,  other RC workshops going on
2:55 Demie Closing - what they liked or learned

Last modified: 2024-08-12 03:07:19+00