Sustaining All Life & United to End Racism
at New York City Climate Week
Sustaining All Life & United to End Racism at the Global Climate March, New York City, USA • © Stan Eichner, 2019
Climate Week NYC inspires, amplifies and provides a global platform for connection and discussion on climate action.
Sustaining All Life will hold in-person events daily, 9 – 5pm EDT, at 12 East 41st Street, 7th floor, Manhattan. Most events are 1.5 hours and will also be streamed on Zoom for members of the RC Community and friends. Register for Zoom access here. (All times New York City EDT)
Two events will also be streamed widely, so please invite your friends, family, and climate activists buddies to those two events. Register for both here. PDF flyer
Voices from the Frontlines of the Climate Emergency, Friday, September 22, 1:30 - 3:30pm
Eliminating the Effects of Racism on Our Work to Sustain All Life, Saturday, September 23, 10:30am - noon.
The week before Climate Week will be a Wave of Actions. Their timeline is here, stay tuned for more details.
March to End Fossil Fuels 1 - 4:30pm Manhattan
March with Sustaining All Life, United to End Racism, and friends and families of Co-Counselors. We are calling on President Biden to lead the way to stopping fossil fuel extraction, production and use. The march will gather at 56th Street and Broadway between 12 and 1pmTo join us, fill out the form here.
We're also organizing a multimedia, multicultural event as part of the march--many people will carry 3 foot hands in many skin tones, with messages painted on the back, and choreographed movements. Join us to make or carry a sign. Details here.
New Yorkers and the Climate Movement 10:30am
led by Kathy Martino, Jacqueline Barton, Hélene Onserud, and Melissa Scott flyer PDF
In this workshop, we’ll share our perspective as New Yorkers on current global climate issues and how taking action in New York contributes to making progress on the climate crisis overall. We’ll report on the many successes we’ve had and share how they are inspiring us and others in the climate movement. We’ll also share how some simple tools can help those of us who are already involved to keep going strong, and how our effective listening to others not yet involved can help us engage them in the climate movement.
The Legacy of Colonization and Racism in Africa 10:30am
led by Wanjiku Kironyo and Bafana Matsebula flyer PDF
Colonialism and racism have devastated the way of life of many Africans, leaving them extremely vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Because their land has been taken away, many people are also facing violence, civil war, and genocide. Yet it is possible to heal from this trauma and strengthen our resolve to combat and end the emergency. In this workshop, Africans will share how they have experienced racism and colonialism, as well as their commitment, courage, and hope.
Listening to Latin America, building a climate movement by and for our people / Escuchar a Latinoamérica, construyendo un movimiento climático por y para nuestra gente 1:30pm
led by Malinali Castañada-Romero, Daniel Vela, Maritza Arrastia, and Iliria Unzueta
As people of Latin America, we know how capable and resilient we are and how precious our territories and all the life that inhabits them are. In this workshop, we will have the opportunity to remember and share experiences of what we have lost, but also what we want to protect and preserve, through listening tools that will help us build connections and heal and strengthen our spaces and processes to advocate for climate justice as a community. flyer PDF
Como personas de Latinoamérica sabemos lo capaces y resilientes que somos, así como lo preciados que son nuestros territorios y toda la vida que en ellos habita. En este taller podremos recordar y compartir experiencias de lo que hemos perdido, pero también lo que queremos proteger y conservar, a través de herramientas de escucha que nos ayudarán a crear conexiones y sanar y fortalecer nuestros espacios y procesos de justicia climática, en comunidad. flyer PDF
How the Global North can accept responsibility for the climate emergency and act fairly to solve it 10:30am
led by Mike Markovits, Bafana Matsebula, Laila Gadd, and Daniel Vela flyer PDF
This workshop will highlight the human patterns of behavior that underlie the Global North’s accumulation and maintenance of the world’s financial resources. It will suggest some strategies for assisting the Global North to accept its historical responsibility and access its wealth to address the climate crisis.
The Central Role of Young People in the Climate Movement 10:30am
led by Gwynn Hitchings and Ida Schenck flyer PDF
In this workshop we will share about why it's important for young people to be at the forefront of the climate movement in an oppressive society that tells us we're not important. We will also talk about why our relationships with each other are key in making big change possible. We will have fun, share our experiences as young people, and connect with each other.
Backing Indigenous Leaders: Where ending the Climate Crisis and Decolonization Meet 1:30pm
led by Minsoss Sapiel-Bobadilla and Liliana Bobadilla-Sapiel flyer PDF
Colonization and capitalism have disconnected us from our connection with each other, our basic human needs, and the land. There is so much to learn from indigenous cultures, especially surrounding our relationships – with nature, ourselves, and each other. Come and learn to use engaged listening to back Indigenous leaders and heal ourselves from the damaging effects of colonization.
The Intersection of Climate Change and Racism in the Southern U.S. 10:30am,
led by Tanya Jones, Ama Rogan, and Angelia James flyer PDF
The Southern U.S. bears the brunt of the climate crisis in the U.S., with hurricanes, sea level rise, tornadoes, drought, and severe storms affecting millions of people and their homes, land, waters, farms, and livelihoods. Racism and economic injustice cause these impacts to fall disproportionately on Native, Black, Brown, and low-wealth communities, and young people.
Thinking About Disability and Climate Change 1:30pm
led by Laurie Summers and Jessica Wallach flyer PDF
This workshop will offer insights into the oppression and stereotypes that affect people with disabilities as well as the increasing impact of the climate crises on their lives. Members of this constituency are often left out of discussions with activists and policy makers who don’t understand the resources needed to help people with disabilities survive in environmentally compromised circumstances.
Introduction to the Tools of Sustaining All Life 1:30 - 3 pm
led by Barb Delzio flyer PDF
In this class, we will offer an in-depth look at tools that have helped people address emotional barriers to effective climate organizing. We will share details of our theory and provide opportunities to practice our listening tools in pairs and small groups. The class will demonstrate how using these tools can help us address common struggles experienced by climate activists and organizers as we work to build the movement needed to tackle the climate emergency.
Live from New York City Climate Week: An Evening with the African and Mexican Regional Reference People (RRP) Wednesday, September 20: 6:30 – 9:30 EDT
led by Wanjiku Kironyo, Bafana Matsebula, Iliria Unzueta (in NYC to participate in NYC Climate Week with SAL/UER)
organizer: Maria Limon
This is a Sustaining All Life Fundraiser.
SAL at COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh
Artists at the Center 9am - 1pm, led by Daniel Schaffer
Art is at the center of every social movement! Join us for a hands-on art-making workshop. We will share stories of how climate change has affected our lives and the people we care about. We will learn exciting ways to make art inspired by our stories. No experience is necessary–everyone is welcome! flyer PDF
Jews, Land, and Climate Café 10:30am, led by Billy Yalowitz flyer PDF
Jews, like all peoples, are deeply connected to the earth, to all life forms, and to the places we live. Antisemitism, however, has historically led to Jews losing our multigenerational connections to the many lands where we have existed. We warmly invite Jews, and our friends and allies, to join us in this workshop where we will be sharing artworks – poetry, songs, visuals - in celebration of Jewish connection with the living environment, both past and present. Together we will look at ways that Jewish engagement with climate action can be a key part of healing from antisemitism.
Voices from the Frontlines of the Climate Emergency 1:30pm
led by Bafana Matsebula, Wanjiku Kironyo, Iliria Unzueta flyer PDF
We welcome activists on the frontlines of the climate crisis to this forum to talk about the impact of climate change on their countries and in their communities. It will offer everyone a unique and personal opportunity to better understand the current threats of climate change in the Global South. This will also be an opportunity to share individual stories of activism that communicate determination, hope, and courage.
Introduction to the Tools of Sustaining All Life 1:30 - 3 pm
led by Barb Delzio flyer PDF
In this class, we will offer an in-depth look at tools that have helped people address emotional barriers to effective climate organizing. We will share details of our theory and provide opportunities to practice our listening tools in pairs and small groups. The class will demonstrate how using these tools can help us address common struggles experienced by climate activists and organizers as we work to build the movement needed to tackle the climate emergency.
Eliminating the Effects of Racism on Our Work to Sustain All Life 10:30am
led by Wanjiku Kironyo, Russ Vernon-Jones, and others flyer PDF
Racism has had a deeply damaging and divisive effect on everyone. Please join us in this interactive workshop to learn the effective approaches used by Sustaining All Life and United to End Racism to heal from the damaging effects of racism on us personally and on our climate organizations and movement.
Making a Climate for Families 1 - 4pm
led by Marya Axner, Chuck Esser, and Billy Yalowitz
Join us for some intergenerational fun for families, while thinking about our mother earth and how we can work together to reverse climate change. We’ll make art together–visuals, music, dance, movement, and storytelling. We’ll have circles where people can share their visions of a family-friendly environment. We’ll have a circus-inspired parade to bring us together and imagine a future that can work for all living things.
Mental Health Liberation: Tools for Climate Activists 1:30pm
led by Glenn Johnson-Mussad, Demie Stathoplos, and Amy Tai flyer PDF
Come learn a powerful framework for understanding how oppressive societies enforce passivity, over-consumption, numbness and isolation as “normal.” You will also learn simple and effective tools to face difficult feelings about the climate crisis and build emotional support for your climate activism.