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Why Government
Sunday, March 16
Azi Khalili


Draft Program for the
Transformation of Society
Introduction Page
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Present Time
January 2025
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July 12, 2024


Hello delegation,

We are nine weeks away from the start of NYC Climate Week.  Things are going well.  Thank you for all the preparations you are engaged in.  We are getting many media forms and workshop outlines, thank you very much.  

There are a few things I need your reply to.  Please read the whole email. 


Now that our events are set, we have designated a second assignment each day for most of you. (Those who are leading workshops are usually only assigned to the one event that day, to allow time for preparation and debriefing after the event.)  The updated schedule is on the webpage.

Most of the second assignments are to Listening Projects, the Climate Ribbon Tree, the intro to RC.  There is a leader designated for each Listening Project and Climate Ribbon Tree event.  Start and end times of the events do not all line up, and we want you to not be too rushed. We know some of you will need to arrive late and leave early from these projects because of other events or your lunch break.  Please inform your leader of your expected arrival time if you will be late.  We will schedule a time for each group of leaders to meet soon on Zoom to talk about what the leader’s job entails.  

I tried to give you an interesting week.  If you think your assignments don't make sense for some reason let me know. 



Everyone also has a support job, not connected to the events.  They are listed in the job descriptions and assignments doc on the webpage.  Some of you have also filled out your jobs preferences, thank you.  We have assigned the rest of the jobs, with some exceptions where we don’t know who could do the job. 

Let us know if you cannot perform a job we have assigned you.  We also created some new jobs.  Please read the job descriptions document over carefully.  Many jobs require a team of people to perform the job.  Leader of the team is listed first.

If we are asking too much of you, please notify the jobs coordinator, Randy,


We need people to do these jobs, and we don’t know who has the skills to be successful:
Communication assistance–Signal 
Social media (with Chijioke)
Research and lead an evening excursion around NYC (we’d like 3 excursions)

Please email Randy if you are able and willing to do one of these.


We will be holding a picnic in a nearby park (Bryant Park, behind the NYC Public Library, down the street from our building) from 5 - 7 pm on Saturday the 28th.  We’ll print invitations for us all to distribute to people who attend our events, or who we meet and want to invite.  We will also invite the NYC RC Community.  (We will ask the New York RCers to RSVP to Randy at  The organizers will order food and drinks (there are food trucks in the park and a Whole Foods Market nearby that you can order from), and work with the leaders to plan and carry out the event.  


We are not going to order new t-shirts for this event, instead we’re going to use some from past years that have been accumulating.  We would like everyone to have a SAL t-shirt to wear some of the days, especially when out at the march, or listening projects, or with the climate ribbon tree.  If you need a t-shirt, please send MaryRuth your t-shirt size (men's t-shirt sizes) NOW on Signal or email her at

This variant of COVID seems much more contagious. Let’s all plan for what we will do if leaders or organizers become sick.  Please especially think about the workshops you are part of.  What kind of backup will your event have?  Will other leaders on the team take over for sick leaders?  Are there organizers you want to ask to be prepared for that?  Can leaders step in and help with organizing if organizers become sick?  Or will you reach outside the team for that help?  

Please make sure everyone on a team has read any handouts that the workshop is using.  (Each workshop will give each attendee the SAL pamphlet, Tools for Climate Organizing, and up to 3 handouts.)  We want people on the team to be able to answer questions about handouts you are putting out for people to take. 

We revised the schedule so that some people from each event are assigned to do a listening project the day before the event.  That particular listening project should focus on drawing people to your event. If you are assigned to one of these special listening projects, please take the lead on what to do from the team members who are part of the event.

We are looking freshly at the way the election events are titled and announced so that we can address whatever topic is popping up that week within the campaigning world.  It is a rapidly evolving scene. 

Thanks and love,

Important links:
Delegation webpage is here.  
Password is ny2024.
Checklist for tasks to accomplish soon is here.
Job descriptions are found on the webpage.  

July 1

We just learned that Fridays for Future is holding a march on Friday, September 20th.  We’d like as many of us as possible to be there to march together as a contingent.  We’ll reach out to the NYC Community as well to join with us.  We know that many of us already have plane tickets; SAL will pay any costs to change your ticket, as requested.  

Please also let us know if you will be staying in the B & B on Thursday night.  We’re assuming the march will start around noon on Friday.  But realistically for most of us that will mean arriving Thursday evening.  Very sorry for the inconvenience and extra day of your time.

Please let us know whether you will or will not be with us for the march.  Send your new plans to Randy via email at <>

June 30

Hello delegation,

Delegation webpage is here.  Password is ny2024.

Checklist for tasks to accomplish soon is here.

Dates you are with us

Please finalize your travel plans and/or firm up the dates you are with us.  We still haven’t heard from some of you. Those staying at the B & B can check the document here to see if we have your information correct.  Password is ny2024.  We assume you will be available from 9 - 5:30 on any date you are listed on the schedule.  

Our draft schedule

Assuming we are correct about your scheduled time with us, here we have updated the schedule on the webpage.

You will see “climate ribbon tree” on the schedule several times.  We are thinking of having different groups of you take the “tree” around town and use it to attract people to us.  We tell them who we are and what we are doing and invite them to our workshops.  Ideally this will be outside sites relevant to Climate Week. I’ll post photos of the tree from a project we did in Seattle over Memorial Day weekend, at the Northwest Folklife Festival.

Team Meetings

We hope your team (leaders and organizers, separately and together) is beginning to meet and plan your event. Please note that we would like to have an outline of your event by July 15.  


Everyone will have a delegation job in addition to leading and organizing the events.  Here is a list of the job descriptions we foresee needing to fill (reading this document will help you understand how the week is planned) and a preferences survey (yes another one) here for you to fill out.  Please read it over and fill it out by indicating 4 or 5 preferences.

Social Media forms

Please complete the social media form for your event if you haven’t, four are done.

Unscheduled time

Everyone will be scheduled to do 2 things most days. The 20 minutes before each workshop we rely on everyone present to welcome guests and help them settle in–answer questions, show them the materials table, direct them to the restroom, and so on.  We do ask that before you head off for down time you look around and see if there is anything that needs doing.  

We hope everyone will have time to have a short session, eat lunch, and relax a little bit during the 9 - 5:30 day at 41st Street.  Having at least a 20 minute each way session every day is important!  There should be an unscheduled room at all times.

You are welcome to attend events you are not part of.  If our event rooms are full (we hope!), we will ask non-essential delegation members to give up their chair. 

Use Signal to communicate

Signal is a very useful tool.  You can set up groups within Signal for any mix of people in the delegation–leaders’ teams, organizers’ teams, and so on.  If you need help, ask your super-organizer to help you.  

Climate Justice Team

Azi and Diane will lead the climate justice team.  We won’t be meeting until August.  The East Coast climate justice groups are super-engaged with the Summer of Heat, and may not have time to address their involvement in Climate Week before then.  As soon as we know anything, we will inform everyone and hussle to organize ourselves in a supportive way.  

June 22

Hello NYC CW delegation,

ny2024 is the password for the roster on our delegation webpage:  <>

Delegation Meetings
We propose the following schedule for the rest of our all delegation meetings:  Sunday July 21, Friday August 9, Sunday Sept 1, Friday Sept 13.  All from 7 - 9 pm EDT.  Please come if you can, or watch the recordings of meetings you miss on our webpage. 

Meetings with Event Leaders and Lead Organizers
Diane would like to meet with the event leaders on July 5, 11 am - 12 pm and with the lead organizers on July 5, 3 - 4 pm.  We will record the meeting and make the recording available for people who can't make the meeting.  Please send any questions you have in advance. 

Diane's availability
Diane’s mom lives with her and Diane is the primary caregiver.  Her health is declining more rapidly and Diane may need to back out of scheduled events with short notice.  We’re working on developing good cover for her at all the NYC CW events, but be aware.  

Here is the list showing which of us will be your "super-organizer" (we have capes).  Please schedule a meeting with your event team and your super.

Indigenous (23rd)(am) MaryRuth
Young (24th)(am) Randy
Southern and Racism (25th)(am) Diane
Election Staying Hopeful (25th)(pm) MaryRuth
Mental Health (26th)(am) Diane
Election handling disagreements (26th)(pm) Randy
Muslim Jewish Unity (27th)(am) Diane
Election reaching voters (27th)(pm) MaryRuth
War (28th) Randy
Racism (28th) Randy
Election swing states (28th)? (still uncertain) Diane
Africa on Zoom in the morning (29th) Randy
Climate for Families (29th) MaryRuth

Communications on Signal
We will have two Signal threads, one for shorter messages related to our working together (NYC CW 2024), and another we will call “NYC CW 20240 chit-chat” for checking in, looking for someone or some thing, photos, meet up for dinner, and so on.  I just sent a message on the NYC CW 2024 Signal thread.  If you didn't get it, please contact MaryRuth <>.

T-shirts, new design for the back?
We are thinking of having a new design for the back of the t-shirt for climate week, something focused on the role of the U.S.  Please think about it and send Randy your ideas. <>.

Summer of Heat
Their first week started strong, with many actions targeting CitiBank. 
Their Demands:
Stop Funding Fossil Fuels
Exponentially Increase Financing for Renewable Energy
Respect Human Rights and Indigenous Sovereignty as part of a Just Transition
Repair the Harm

For updates, sign up at their website:   SAL is reconsidering how we might support their work, and we will be in touch soon.

Thanks for all your work preparing for September.

With love,

Diane, Randy, MaryRuth

June 13

Hello, more from your organizers,


Our next all delegation meeting will be tomorrow, Friday, June 14, from 4 - 6 pm PDT / 7 - 9 pm EDT.  We hope to see you.  It will be recorded and you are expected to watch the recording if you can’t make the meeting.  Zoom link:

Thank you for your feedback about the previous draft.  This schedule should be very close to what we will do, please make sure you will be there for what we have you listed to do and that these are your choices.  Please request any changes before the all delegation meeting on Friday if possible. A pdf of the schedule is on the delegation webpage

We have scheduled everyone for events on the date of your arrival and departure; if as your plans firm up you find you will not be able to do those events (or any others) please inform MaryRuth right away.  You are still only assigned to one event each day; that may change.
No news yet on the Climate Justice events. 


Everyone will have a delegation job in addition to leading and organizing the events.  Here is a list of the job descriptions we foresee needing to fill (reading this document will help you understand how the week is planned) and a preferences survey (yes another one) here for you to fill out.  Please read it over and fill it out out by indicating 4 or 5 preferences.


We propose the following as constituency group leaders, and ask that you hold 2 - 3 meetings of your group between now and September 21, and come up with a plan to stay in good contact during Climate Week. 

African heritage–Jennifer Holmes
Global Majority–Azi
Young people/young adults–Ida

Our delegation webpage is starting to fill out with important information for you. Please take a look.  Live links so far include Important Information, Roster, PDF of schedule, Talking Points on SAL/UER/RC, Listening Projects, Important Emails, Sustaining All Life website link, as well as information on the Summer of Heat, resources about UN Climate Week and New York City, and the May All Delegation recording link.  

With love,
Diane, MaryRuth, Randy

June 8

Dear Delegates who have not replied to the previous email,

If you are receiving this email, it is because you did not reply to the email below.  I need your reply as soon as possible.  Can you please take the time to do this now?  I have updated the schedule as far as I can without the responses from the rest of you. 


Here is a very good draft of our schedule, but not completed.  I attempted to list everyone who indicated they wanted to be involved with an event on that event.  In most cases it is more people than we need.  So the next step will be to confer with the leaders, choose lead organizers, and finalize the leadership and organizing teams for each event.  Please look the schedule over closely and let Diane ( know if you are listed somewhere you shouldn’t be, or should be listed somewhere that you aren’t.  

At this point, each of you is only assigned to one event each day.  Once the event teams are finalized, everyone not involved in the event will be at a listening project (or assigned to something else) that day.  The people involved in the event may or may not do something apart from the event that day (depending on what else is needed that day to prepare for the event or do follow-up.)  

Assuming that the Climate Justice events happen, on Monday and Tuesday, I assigned all the people of the Global Majority who will be present to the Climate Justice Event.  For the white people, each of us who will be present are assigned to go on one day, but most of us will not go both days.  

Please look this over and give your feedback to me (Diane) before Monday, June 10. 

Reminder from last email:

Our next all delegation meeting will be Friday, June 14, from 4 - 6 pm PDT / 7 - 9 pm EDT.  Mark your calendar please.

With love,


June 1

Dear Delegates,


Here is a very good draft of our schedule, but not completed.  I attempted to list everyone who indicated they wanted to be involved with an event on that event.  In most cases it is more people than we need.  So the next step will be to confer with the leaders, choose lead organizers, and finalize the leadership and organizing teams for each event.  Please look the schedule over closely and let Diane ( know if you are listed somewhere you shouldn’t be, or should be listed somewhere that you aren’t.  

At this point, each of you is only assigned to one event each day.  Once the event teams are finalized, everyone not involved in the event will be at a listening project (or assigned to something else) that day.  The people involved in the event may or may not do something apart from the event that day (depending on what else is needed that day to prepare for the event or do follow-up.)  

Assuming that the Climate Justice events happen, on Monday and Tuesday, I assigned all the people of the Global Majority who will be present to the Climate Justice Event.  For the white people, each of us who will be present are assigned to go on one day, but most of us will not go both days.  

Please look this over and give your feedback to me (Diane) before Wednesday, June 6.  Very few people have offered to lead listening projects or the introductions, can you help out?

Reminders from last email:

We’d like to have a listening project or two near the United Nations every week day.  Last year they were very successful at engaging people, and attracting people to our events.  Please email MaryRuth <> if you would be willing to lead or organize one.  Almost everyone will be assigned to participate in at least one at a time when they aren’t doing something else.  They will probably be held at 10 am - 12:30 pm and 12:30 - 3 pm each day (with different shifts of people). 

We would like to do 2 one-hour long intros to SAL/UER/RC.  Would you be interested in leading one, assisting in one, organizing one?  It would probably be from 1 - 2 pm Wednesday and Friday.  Email MaryRuth please if the answer is yes.  We are going to do these–don’t make us assign people, please volunteer.

Our next all delegation meeting will be Friday, June 14, from 4 - 6 pm PDT / 7 - 9 pm EDT.  Mark your calendar please.

With love,


May 28, 2024

Hello Delegates,

We are still working on the schedule–a few people have not yet sent us their preferences.  We will have it for you soon.

We have a few questions for you.  

We’d like to have a listening project or two near the United Nations every week day.  Last year they were very successful at engaging people, and attracting people to our events.  Please email MaryRuth <> if you would be willing to lead or organize one.  Almost everyone will be assigned to participate in at least one at a time when they aren’t doing something else.  They will probably be held at 10 am - 12 pm and 12 - 2 pm each day (with different shifts of people).

We would like to do 2 one-hour long intros to SAL/UER/RC.  Would you be interested in leading one, organizing one?  It would be from 1 - 2 pm Wednesday and Friday.  Email MaryRuth please if the answer is yes.

We need everyone to get an account on Signal, and Signal Diane when you do.  206-276-0759.  We also need someone who will be our Signal lead; is that you?  Please?  Email MaryRuth! 

Our next all delegation meeting will be Friday, June 14, from 4 - 6 pm PDT / 7 - 9 pm EDT.  Mark your calendar please. next all delegation meeting will be Friday, June 14, from 4 - 6 pm PDT / 7 - 9 pm EDT.  Mark your calendar please.

With love,

Your organizing team



Dear NYC CW Delegation, (for Thursday)

Thanks everyone, the schedule has been firmed up.  It may need to change again, but we plan to do something very close to this.  Morning events will be 10 am - 11:30 pm (followed by a one hour listening circle, optional) and afternoon events will be 2:00 - 3:30 pm (followed by a one hour listening circle, optional) .  We’ll ask everyone to arrive to our space on the 7th floor at 12 East 41st Street by 9 am.  We’ll have a closing meeting each day from 4:45 to 5:45 pm.  Evenings are your time. Please plan to have a session.  We will have three optional group excursions during the week.  

Here is a link to a survey that we need you to fill out asap, so that we can finalize the teams and you can begin meeting with your team (s).  You may have answered some of these questions before, if so you don’t need to answer them again unless your answer has changed.

Could you also finalize the title of your event, write a one or two sentence description, and  begin filling out a Social Media form for each event.  Blank forms for each event are here.  Please make needed changes and fill in the blanks.   

Here is the Zoom link for Friday’s all delegation meeting at 4 pm PDT / 7 pm EDT, for 2 hours.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 864 7697 5367

Passcode: 387907

See you tomorrow.

Your organizers,

Diane, MaryRuth, Randy


Dear NYC CW Delegation,

Reminder, first all delegation meeting this coming Friday, 5/17/24, at 4 pm PDT / 7 pm EDT for two hours. Please come if at all possible. We will record the meeting, and if you can't attend, we need you to watch the recording. 

Thank you for submitting your registration.  Our next step is to confirm a schedule of events.  Then we will write you again to survey who wants to be part of which event(s).  

Based on who has registered (list is at the bottom), and the dates you all said you can attend, here is our tentative schedule.  If you know others who you expected to register, please contact them and have them do so. 

 Schedule embeded

Please look it over and reply by Wednesday the 15th to Randy randy0702@msn.comindicating if you see a problem with this schedule, or the leaders.  There will be other people added to the leadership teams of some of the events; this is who we are thinking of at this point.  If you don't reply we assume you are fine with this.  

We have not started putting together the organizing teams yet, but we will do that soon, after we get more information from you.  Thank you for your help.

With love,
Your organizers (Diane, MaryRuth, Randy)
























Filion Onserud























































Dear NYC Climate Week 2023 delegation,

We are ready for those of you who want to be part of NYC CW 2024 to register!  We want you and are so glad you want to be with us again. 

We have a lot of lead time, and we’re still unsure what the climate justice groups will do, so we’re not trying to make a firm schedule of our events yet.  

We have not yet come up with the slate of events we will be holding that week, but plan to do that soon.  At that time we will check with you about which event(s) you want to/are willing to work on.  


The dates for NYC CW 2024 are September 22 – 29.  That is about 6 weeks before the US Presidential elections, and we think that a lot of people’s attention will be focused there.  What role the climate emergency will play in the Presidential election remains to be seen, but it will probably not have a huge upfront role.  However, who is elected President will be key for addressing climate change.  For this reason, we are thinking that about half of our events should in one way or another address the upcoming US elections.  The other half of our events we would like to be centered on climate justice issues.  The timing of the elections may mean that fewer people participate in and attend NYC CW. 

For these reasons, we think it will make sense to hold some version of some of the events we held in 2023 (though with a clear climate justice focus) and not repeat some of our other events, to make space for holding events related to the elections.  We may have a climate justice event and an election event at the same time.
We plan to have a schedule that is similar to 2023 (2 main events each day), but with some important changes.  We hope there will again be a march on Sunday the 22nd, and we plan to participate in that again.  

This time, however, we plan to hold our events from Monday the 23rd through Sunday the 29th, so that we have a full weekend of events on the 28th and 29th.  We hope to end with Making a Climate for Families in Central Park.

We will make every effort not to hold more than one event (in the early afternoon) on the days the climate justice community is holding events in the evening.  After our morning event we could all go to the climate justice events to support that work.  We will not divide the delegation again as we did in 2023 (with some attending the climate justice events and some staying back).  We hope to have a designated climate justice team that participates more fully with the climate justice organizations, like we did in 2023.  

We have the whole floor reserved for our use in the same building as in 2023.  

We don't plan to bring Bafana and Wanjiku, as important as they were in 2023.  We're going to try streaming in Janet Kabue instead.  The Mexicans are absorbed in planning for SAL's participation in an alternate COP in Mexico around the time of COP29, so we don't expect them to join us either. 

We will again offer individuals and teams the chance to stay for the whole week and support the whole week of events, or choose to come for the first half of the week (Sunday through Wednesday) or the second half of the week (Thursday through Sunday).  We will have an all delegation workshop either Wednesday or Thursday. 

This is what we have figured out so far.  We are now working on a proposed list of events, and we'll be back in touch soon with that proposal.  In the meantime, please think about whether you would like to be part of NYC CW 2024, what role you would like to play, and how much time you'd like to be with us.  

With love,
Diane, Randy, MaryRuth

Feb 28, 2024

Dear NYC Climate Week 2023 delegation,

Thank you again for participating in NYC CW in 2023.  We’re making our plans now for 2024 and we thought you would like to know how we are thinking about it.  We hope that many of you will want to participate again.  

The dates for NYC CW 2024 are September 22 – 29.  That is about 6 weeks before the US Presidential elections, and we think that a lot of people’s attention will be focused there.  What role the climate emergency will play in the Presidential election remains to be seen, but it will probably not have a huge upfront role.  However, who is elected President will be key for addressing climate change.  For this reason, we are thinking that about half of our events should in one way or another address the upcoming US elections.  The other half of our events we would like to be centered on climate justice issues.  The timing of the elections may mean that fewer people participate in and attend NYC CW. 
For these reasons, we think it will make sense to hold some version of some of the events we held in 2023 (though with a clear climate justice focus) and not repeat some of our other events, to make space for holding events related to the elections.  We may have a climate justice event and an election event at the same time. 

We plan to have a schedule that is similar to 2023 (2 main events each day), but with some important changes.  We hope there will again be a march on Sunday the 22nd, and we plan to participate in that again.  This time, however, we plan to hold our events from Monday the 23rd through Sunday the 29th, so that we have a full weekend of events on the 28th and 29th.  We hope to end with Making a Climate for Families, in Central Park.

We will make every effort not to hold more than one event (in the early afternoon) on the days the climate justice community is holding events in the evening.  After our event we could all go to the climate justice events to support that work.  We will not divide the delegation again as we did in 2023 (with some attending the climate justice events and some staying back).  We hope to have a designated climate justice team that participates more fully with the climate justice organizations, like we did in 2023.  

We have the whole floor reserved for our use in the same building as in 2023.  

We don't plan to bring Bafana and Wanjiku, as important as they were in 2023.  We're going to try streaming in Janet Kabue instead.  The Mexicans are absorbed in planning for SAL's participation in an alternate COP in Mexico around the time of COP29, so we don't expect them to join us either. 

We will again offer individuals and teams the chance to stay for the whole week and support the whole week of events, or choose to come for the first half of the week (Sunday through Wednesday) or the second half of the week (Thursday through Sunday).  We will have an all delegation workshop either Wednesday or Thursday. 

This is what we have figured out so far.  We are now working on a proposed list of events, and we'll be back in touch soon with that proposal.  In the meantime, please think about whether you would like to be part of NYC CW 2024, what role you would like to play, and how much time you'd like to be with us.  

With love,
Diane, Randy, MaryRuth

Last modified: 2024-07-16 03:17:16+00