More about the Journals
We want to get the most timely and important information out in the most accessible ways, and as quickly as possible, and in ways that Rational Island Publishers can handle in terms of our workload at this time.
How much should we focus on communication to the wide world versus in-house? For example, instead of putting out another issue of Ruah Hadashah the editors of Ruah Hadashah put out a pamphlet that communicates well to the wider world as well as to RCers,
Pamphlets have advantages—shorter, easier to read (lots of people have difficulty reading), much quicker to produce (usually), and people tend to keep reading them while there are much fewer orders for back issues of journals.
How important is it to put key information into formats/publications that are most read by the most people? Many people read Present Time, for example. Would it sometimes make sense to rely on Present Time for your articles, instead of putting out a journal?
Katie Kauffman