News flash


Healing the Hurts
of Capitialism
Azi Khalili &
Mike Markovits
Sunday, July 28

FREE Climate Stickers

U.S. Election Project

Thoughts on Liberation
new RC eBook


Class Outline

Lesson 1: Basic Human Nature/Listening

  • Basic theory
  • The postulates of RC
  • The art of listening
  • The art of being a client
  • What to do in your first Co-Counseling session

Lesson 2 : Distress Recordings and Distress Patterns

  • The nature of distress recordings and patterns
  • The three ways distress is encountered
  • Intermittent vs. chronic patterns
  • Short and long term effects of distress
  • The distinction between the person and the pattern

Lesson 3: Discharge

  • The mechanisms of discharge
  • The basic order of discharge

Lesson 4: The Role of Counselor and Client

  • The basic skills and responsibilities of the counselor
  • The basic skills and responsibilities of the client
  • Some preliminary skills and techniques beyond listening

Lesson 5: Fundamental Counseling Techniques

  • New and good (at start of session)
  • Balance of attention
  • Spectrum of Techniques
  • Physical contact
  • Contradictions
  • Attention out (at end of session)

Lesson 6: More on Contradictions

  • Four Things a Counselor Needs to Do
  • Examples of Contradictions
    • Attention Away from Distress
    • Validation and self-appreciation
    • Holding directions
    • Showing Caring

Lesson 7: And Even More on Techniques and Contradictions

  • Commitments
  • Scorning Fear
  • Understatements
  • Identification
  • Flash Answer

Lesson 8: The Early Roots of Distress Recordings

  • Early hurtful experiences and present day difficulties
  • Early hurtful experiences and restimulation

Lesson 9: Co-counseling Session Reports

  • A Method to examine your progress as client and counselor
  • Review of Identifications and Restimulation

Lesson 10: Human Needs and Addictions

  • Rational needs
  • Frozen needs
  • Addictions

Lesson 11: Oppression and Liberation: An Introduction

  • Oppression and distress recordings
  • Internalized oppression
  • Oppressor patterns

Lesson 12: The Co-Counseling Relationship

  • Building increasingly caring, open, and permanent Co-Counseling relationship
  • Review of the no-socializing policy, Co-Counseling reports, and identifications

Lesson 13: Thinking, Logic, and Power

  • How our intelligence works
  • Freedom of decision and acting on logic
  • Reclaiming our power

Lesson 14: Setting Goals

  • Setting  short and long-term goals
  • Decide, Act and Discharge
  • The Goal Chart

Lesson 15: Reality

  • Reality is always benign
  • Counseling with attention away from distress
  • Reality agreement and understatement

Lesson 16: Our Goodness, Our Relationships and Our Confidence and Hopefulness

  • Recovering our sense of goodness
  • Recovering our ability to connect deeply
  • Recovering our inherent confidence and hopefulness

Lesson 17: More on Oppression and Liberation: The Basics and Ending Racism

  • Oppressed, oppressor, and witness roles
  • Freeing ourselves of internalized oppression, oppressor patterns, and the witness role
  • Ending Racism: internalized racism, racist oppressor recordings and institutionalized racism

Lesson 18: Overview of Other Major Forms of Oppression

  • Presentation of the basic elements of other key oppressions in our society including classism, oppression of indigenous people, sexism and male domination, and so on.
  • All of these descriptions point to the basic element of dividing people to keep them from being able to unify and end the oppressive society.

Lesson 19: Counseling on Relationships, Closeness and Sex

  • Love is the natural way for humans to feel about each other.
  • We acquire many distresses in this rigid society in building close, intimate relationships.
  • The co-counseling process can be used to discharge on those distresses to build rational relationships that can include sex.

Lesson 20: Care of the Environment

  • Oppression and the environmental emergency.
  • Ways to discharge on the environmental emergency.
  • Setting goals and taking action.

Lesson 21: RC Learning Theory

  • What is learning?
  • Circumstances that allow students to learn best.
  • Circumstances that get in the way of learning.
  • How to use this process to recover our ability to learn anything.

Lesson 22: RC Literature--Reading and Writing

  • The value of RC Literature.
  • What gets in the way of reading and writing.
  • Ways to counsel on recovering our ability to read and write.
  • Circumstances that can create successful reading and writing experiences.

Lesson 23: The RC Community, Teaching, Leading, and Inviting Friends

  • What the RC Community is
  • What the RC Guidelines are
  • Information about RC leadership and teaching
  • Thoughts about inviting friends and family to join you learning about and using RC

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00