News flash


Climate Crisis
in Africa
Janet Kabue
Saturday, September 28

State of LGBTQ+ Liberation
"Jeanne D'arc" &
"David Nijinsky"
Saturday, September 28
Sunday, September 29

FREE Stickers

Elected Officials Panel

Thoughts on Liberation
new RC eBook


I want to let you know about all the great things your father did for us RCers in Split since 1984, when he spent a few days here with us in the early autumn. He stopped in Split, interrupting his journey to Budapest. What a modest man came to see us and tell us all about RC.

What a wonderful mind Harvey had. He could counsel us on as many things as we needed. Many of us discharged heavily.

We have gained self-esteem and humanity in enormous quantities. We are going to go on with the precious RC heritage from Harvey and live as he would have wanted us to.

To overcome the loss, we in RC cherish his memory.

Branka Dra
Split, Croatia

Last modified: 2019-05-02 14:41:35+00