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Relationships with
Health Care Workers
Saturday, February 1
Sunday, February 2
Anne Greenwald


Guidance for Satellite Workshops


A satellite workshop is a local workshop held during the same weekend as a major RC workshop (the main workshop). In a satellite workshop, the classes from the main workshop are used as content for the bulk of the classes of the satellite workshop.  The classes of the main workshop are video streamed to the satellite workshop (or recorded and downloaded at a different time during that same weekend or within a few weeks, to allow for time zone changes).

Remote access to the main workshop will be limited to groups of people who will be together in the same geographic space and hold a parallel, local workshop.[1]

Approval for a major workshop to be considered as a hub for satellite workshops comes from the International Reference Person (IRP).

Approval to hold a satellite workshop first comes from the leader of the main workshop.  If approved by the main workshop leader, the satellite workshop must also be approved by the RRP of the Region(s) in which it will be held.  That RRP also approves the leader of the satellite, who must be a local teacher of RC who has workshop leadership experience.


The satellite workshop organizer should connect with the main workshop organizer or dedicated main workshop participant who has the job of thinking about satellite workshops prior to the workshop and staying in good contact with them during the workshop.

The satellite workshop may choose to watch the classes at the time they are conducted or at some other time within a few weeks of the satellite workshop.

While the workshop leader will lead the classes at the main workshop, the leader of the local satellite workshop may choose to counsel someone locally for any demonstration (rather then watch the demonstration at the main workshop), or do go-arounds/panel with local participants rather than watching a go-around/panel at the main workshop.  Watching the recording in advance can help the remote leader make this decision.

A satellite workshop may be for the length of the full workshop, or less with the approval of the workshop leader.


The organizer of the main workshop will be informed that a satellite workshop is happening as early as possible so that the organization of the video streaming/recording can begin.

All logistics for the satellite workshop, including collecting satellite workshop fees, will be handled by the satellite workshop organizer.

Satellite workshops should be small (under 20 people), and usually will be in someone’s house or other free location (with most people commuting) to reduce expenses and organizing.  No funds (outreach or grant) can be used for lodging or transportation to the workshop. A small amount of grant money may be used, with the permission of the RRP, to rent a site for the satellite workshop.

Attendance should be full time, as in a regular weekend workshop.


Video streaming will be one way only—from the main to the satellite workshop.  People attending satellite workshops should not plan to have sessions with or join support groups with people in the main workshop.  Sessions and discharge groups are to be set up within the satellite workshop.  

Each satellite workshop should have a dedicated local technical support person to handle the video and any needed communications with the main workshop technical team.

Inexpensive video cameras designed to work with a computer improve the video quality of the main workshop, as does a lapel microphone. Satellite workshops will want to have a strong internet connection and speakers to amplify the computer audio.

Any videos or online graphics that are shown during a class at the main workshop should be sent to the local tech person with instructions well in advance of the workshop and stored in an online location accessible to satellite participants.

Any recordings of a satellite workshop, like recordings of any other workshop, are intended to be used only by people who are part of the workshop.  They may not be shared outside those participating in the satellite workshop without the consent of the leader. 

If something from the workshop is deemed useful to a wider audience, the material and a request for wider publication can be submitted to the workshop leader and upon their approval, to Rational Island Publishers.


Each person attending will pay a workshop fee.

The leader and organizer of a satellite workshop can be paid up to 40% of the pay specified for workshop leaders and organizers in the RC Community Guidelines.  (Leader’s and organizer’s transportation costs are not paid.)

The organizer will calculate the fee for the workshop (it can be a sliding scale), which will include the cost of food and minor expenses, the leader’s and organizer’s fee, and 20% of the main workshop breakeven fee.

Area outreach will be available as usual for the satellite workshop fee.  No funds (outreach or grant) can be used for lodging or transportation.

The Foundation will provide grants of up to $400 for satellite workshops for those satellite workshop locations that will need funding for basic expenses: food and some pay to the leader and organizer.  Grant recipients will account to RCCR for the $400 but will not pay any percentage of the income to the Community Service Fund.  By limiting the size of the workshop, these funds should enable a small group of people to organize a satellite workshop.

Organizers of satellite workshops will complete and submit Form 400-S to RCCR after the workshop. 

[1] In large Regions or countries where a significant amount of travel would be required to gather in the same location, a Zoom satellite could be organized locally where a local leader leads the satellite workshop at least partly online. Participants watch the main workshop classes online but at different locations. They counsel with one another online or by telephone for sessions and support groups.  The IRP should be informed that this arrangement is planned when permission is sought.


Last modified: 2022-06-05 17:43:16+00